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12 Top Tips to Claim Back Health, Fitness and Well-Being

"Fear is excitement on pause."

- Carey Peters

Services Offered By Dr Liya Jacob

Supporting Your Success


The 90 Day Total Fat Loss Transformation

I will be your cheerleader and also hold you accountable to become the highest version of your self that you can imagine. 



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The Clarity Catalyst

The Clarity Catalyst Course is based on a Stanford University master’s degree program that was developed to cultivate creativity, authenticity and self- expression. 

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The Culture Catalyst

The Culture Catalyst Course is based on the Creativity in Business curriculum, a proven, state-of-the-art methodology that was created by Dr. Michael Ray at Stanford University.



Dr Liya Jacob

Health & Wellness Coach

I qualified as a doctor from UCL (2003) with multiple prizes and distinctions. I completed medical training (MRCP) specialising as a consultant in the treatment of blood disorders (Haematology, FRCPath). I was also awarded the competitive Darzi fellowship in healthcare management and leadership. 


I developed gestational diabetes in all three of my pregnancies.  50% of women who are diagnosed with gestational diabetes develop type 2 diabetes within 5-10 years.  This statistic loomed over me.  And chronic health problems seemed to be everywhere - in my patients, in family members and in society. When the COVID pandemic began, I remembered a quote by Marianne Williamson, "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us." This physical, psychological and spiritual journey has taught me that we can not only reclaim our health, but we can reach our potential. It is time to take action.

Schedule a Discovery Call with me!

What My Amazing Clients Are Saying

Deputy Headteacher

I have now lost 9.3kg (12% body weight) and 12cm from my waist.  My blood pressure has fallen and I have reduced my BP medication.  I have learned that changing tiny habits can have a huge impact.  Food is now fuel - I no longer use it for stress relief.  I am in control.  I have learned that a positive mindset is key for transformation.  I have realised that when I put my mind to it, and with the right support, I can do anything.


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