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About Dr Liya Jacob


Since my diagnosis of gestational diabetes reclaiming my health and reaching my potential has been my main passion/obsession. Pursuing my own personal weight loss, health and spiritual journey focused my desire to share my insight and help others. 


I have pursued this completing a Diploma in Lifestyle Medicine.  I trained with the Health Coach Institute, becoming a qualified Health and Life Coach and I have completed their Coaching Mastery training. I am a member of UKHCA (UK Health Coach Association) and their scope of practice can be found at <>.  The Health Coach Institute scope of practice can be found at < -Of-Practice.pdf>. 


I  have completed a Masters in Clinical Nutrition at the University of Nottingham, achieving a Distinction.  I have taught Health Coaching at The University Of Bristol Medical School. I deliver mindfulness training online (The Clarity/Culture Catalyst).

Dr Liya Jacob

Who Do I Help?

I began this journey to help people prevent type 2 diabetes. But I have found that what I had learned was helping clients with a multitude of chronic diseases (e.g. type 2 diabetes, atrial fibrillation, fatty liver disease, hypertension, reflux, asthma). And beyond that, I am now using these tools to help individuals and teams explore their  untapped potential.


The Goal

I am dedicated to working with you or your team to empower you to reclaim your health and reach your potential. For all my clients my aim is to enable you to be the best, healthiest and happiest version of yourself.

Dr Liya Jacob in front of vegetables

Schedule a Discovery Call with me!

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