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Clarity Catalyst for NHS Staff

"I apply the take home messages from this course on a daily basis to my home-life and work-place."

-Dr Shawarna Lasker, General Practitioner

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Healthcare Staff

Does it feel like there is something missing?

Is the chaos around you increasing, and taking a toll on you?

Do you feel isolated or stressed?


In this 8 week course of self-discovery, you will

  • Reconnect with you who you really are

  • Understand a the map of how to be truly creative

  • Step out of any limiting mindsets with new beliefs that will set you free

  • Connect with a group of people who will support you and believe in you

  • Step out of fear and into action

  • Move through your life with a calm and centred confidence


Get a crystal-clear blueprint that will help you tap in your creativity and  intuition so you can achieve all that you KNOW you are capable of.


An amazing blend of sharing in a safe space, experiential mindfulness and emotional intelligence exercises to refine and define who you are, weekly live-withs to shift your perspective on how you see yourself and the world, plus meaningful conversations with your peer coaching connection partner mid-week to integrate the learning and solidify the group.


NHS Testimonials

Dr Shawarna Lasker and Dr Fran Tranmer, General Practitioners

Dr Leema Jabbar, General Practitioner

Dr Raj, General Practitioner

1. Why did you attend the training? 

Despite having everything going for me on the surface, I felt like something was missing. I would find the negative in everything and life felt very monotone. I really wanted to be happy and have a 'joi de vivre' - that I would see in so many people around me. I have always been into philosophy and psychology so when I came across this course I thought it might help. And I wasn't wrong.


2. How are you using the content in your practice? 

I am much calmer now and enjoy being in the present. For instance one of the tools that I picked up from the course, has really helped me to have more compassion towards people. I feel more connected with everyone now. I feel less anxious as a result of knowing that our days here are finite and nothing (beside bad health and death) is actually that important. I now focus on the present and tell myself (a tool from the course)- I am ok right now. This course really helps shift your perspective.


3. What aspect of the training would you recommend to others?

Every aspect of this course really allows an internal self-analysis. You get to know yourself better. The best element of the course was getting to know how we can sabotage our happiness. Sounds a bit crazy but you will know what I mean when you take the course. Truly life changing. Since taking the course I have also managed to work out what I need to focus on for further self development. I feel more complete now and wish I had something like this years ago.


4. Was there any content in the training that surprised you?

Every part of the course was a wonderful surprise. The tools are great. The peer chats were really useful in deepening self understanding. I thought I knew myself before the course- now I feel that I know parts of me that had been dormant for years. I am thankful to Liya and her team for allowing me to analyse myself internally that then led to outward success. Thank you.




"I have really enjoyed this course...I feel very lucky that we have had this from the NHS...I found that it's made me feel really valued."

General Practitioner

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The Course will involve:


From The Team

  • 25 minute small group break outs during weeks 2,3,4,6,7,8 led by team members.

  • Weekly sessions delivered by Liya Jacob with interaction from participants.

  • Total weekly live session length 60-75 minutes.


From Participants

  • Weekly structured peer meetings. We would advise allowing 30 - 45 minutes for this. Past participants have found this one of their favourite parts of the course.

  • Weekly homework tasks that can mostly be integrated into your working week. 30 minutes would be ideal, but we will highlight the most beneficial tasks that could be acted on in 5-10 minutes.

  • The recommended course book is The Untethered Soul by Michael Singer. You are welcome to read this before or during the course. If you are too busy to read it, no problem, Liya will read an excerpt each week.

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