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Publications - link

  • Jacob, E., 2023. Why Reading Food Labels Is Unlikely To Help You Reduce Your Sugar Intake.


  • Jacob, E., Avery, A., 2021. Energy-restricted interventions are effective for the remission of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes: a systematic review of the evidence base. Obes Sci Pract. Accepted Author Manuscript.


  • Richards, H., Ramsden, C., Naidoo, R., Yvon, C., Jacob, E. and Mohamedbhai, S., 2017. Ocular adnexal lymphomas: a review. Expert Review of Ophthalmology, 12(2), pp.133-148.

  • Ramsden, C., Yvon, C., Jacob, E., Kam, R., Anikina, E. and Khan, I., 2016. Mantle cell lymphoma masquerading as chalazia, a case report. Expert Review of Ophthalmology, 11(2), pp.165-166.

  • Jacob, E., Ranger, A., Sohal, M. and Bain, B., 2011. An uncommon morphological variant of acute promyelocytic leukemia. American Journal of Hematology, 87(3), pp.294-294.

  • Iyengar, S., Jacob, E., Ayto, R, Wechalekar, A, Dwanga, F., Mehta, A.B,. and Hughes, D.A., 2010. Improving clinical outcomes of Venous Thromboprophylaxis in Multiple Myeloma. The Online Journal of Clinical Audit, Vol 2, No 3.






  • Masters in Clinical Nutrition Distinction (2022)

Awarded by the University of Nottingham.


  • Elisabeth Paice Award (2012)

I was part of the team at the West Middlesex University Hospital that received this award from the London Deanery for Educational Excellence in Postgraduate Medical and Dental Education.


  • Darzi Fellowship (2011-2012)

A year of leadership and management training taught by the King’s Fund and Manchester Business School. I was based at the West Middlesex Hospital and acquired a Diploma in Healthcare Management and Leadership.


  • Hetley & Atchison Clinical Prize for overall performance in the final MB (2003)

Awarded by the Royal Free & University College London.


  • Distinction In Obstetrics & Gynaecology (2003)


  • Distinction in Surgery (2003)

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