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Supporting Your Success


The 90 Day Total Fat Loss Transformation

I will be your cheerleader and also hold you accountable to become the highest version of yourself that you can imagine. I understand the complexity of juggling a career, parenting and taking care of your own health. And it is possible!  So this time WILL be different! This time the changes are here to stay. 


The benefits of the package are:

  • losing fat without feeling hungry

  • feeling in control of what you eat

  • exercise with enjoyment

  • learn to nourish yourself in ways beyond food

  • become your best self


The package involves:

  • an initial kick off "fat loss strategy session."

  • weekly 1:1 sessions lasting 45 minutes 

  • email support between sessions

  • handouts and action guides to support you on your journey


This service involves health coaching with no medical treatment. 

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The Clarity Catalyst

The Clarity Catalyst Course is based on a Stanford University master’s degree program that was developed to cultivate creativity, authenticity and self- expression.  In this powerful, life shifting, 8-week self-discovery course (taught online) you will be given the blueprint to get clear on who you are and what you want. Your clarity, self- confidence, awareness, sense of direction, and inspiration will increase exponentially.


If you are ready to…. 


  • Get crystal clear on your vision and purpose so that you can help others and leave an impactful footprint on this earth

  • Ignite more passion into your life so that you can feel excited because you are valued and honored

  • Belong to a group of like-minded others on the same path so that you can feel a sense of tribe and community


Then… The Clarity Catalyst is for you!


In this 8-week program you will:


  • Awaken to your true calling by getting clear on who you are and want you really want

  • Discover the vast well of creativity that dwells inside of you so you can powerfully share it with the world

  • Rewrite and reprogram any limiting mindsets with new beliefs that will set you free

  • Connect with a group of people who will hold you to the highest version of yourself you can imagine and support you

  • Work with the fear that has been paralyzing you so that you can finally go for it and live out the life that is waiting for you

  • Step into your power, authenticity, and confidence so that you can create abundance by sharing your unique contribution and gifts with the world


Get a crystal-clear blueprint that will help you tap in your creative FLOW and intuition so you can achieve the greatness that you KNOW you are capable of.


An amazing blend of sharing in a safe space, experiential mindfulness and emotional intelligence exercises to refine and define who you are, weekly live-withs to shift your perspective on how you see yourself and the world, plus meaningful conversations with your peer meeting partner mid-week to land the learning and solidify the group.

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The Culture Catalyst

You are ready to take your corporate culture to the next level.


Culture Catalyst Course is based on the Creativity in Business curriculum, a proven, state-of-the-art methodology that was created by Dr. Michael Ray at Stanford University. This program provides businesses with a competitive edge by helping to foster and develop the powerful creative potential within individuals and teams leading to greater innovation using Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence tools and processes.


In this powerful, life shifting, 8-week course (taught either in person or live online) your employees will be given the blueprint to achieve a life work balance that will make them LOVE coming to work for you. Their clarity, creativity, innovation, and passion for work will increase exponentially….and so will the bottom line.


The process brings about high levels of team effectiveness, collaboration, and positive shifts in organizational culture. 


Benefits and Outcomes


The Culture Catalyst program moves individuals and teams toward higher performance, community, collaboration, and co-creativity. Specific benefits and outcomes often include the following:


  • Inspires innovative problem-solving and consistent breakthrough thinking to find innovative solutions to complex problems

  • Decreases stress and anxiety using Mindfulness and Emotional Intelligence practices to cultivate peak performance 

  • Delivers Conscious Communication tools for individuals to become more compassionate and effective in their leadership roles

  • Improves communication that leads to greater trust and connection between the team members

  • Creates internal balance and wellbeing so that the individual can experience more peace and joy, both in and out of the workplace


I offer group facilitation and one-on–one with top executives delivered online.


Speakers and Supporters of the CIJ Culture Catalyst

(Formerly called Creativity in Business at Stanford University)

  • Steve Jobs, co-founder, Apple Computer

  • Jim Collins, author of Good to Great

  • Charles Schwab, founder & CEO, Charles Schwab & Co.

  • Ken Oshman, co-founder & CEO, IBM Corp

  • Michael Gould – founder & president, The Learning Tree Open University

  • Krista Brunson – producer, The Today Show on NBC

  • Philip Knight – founder & CEO, Nike, Inc

Schedule a Discovery Call with me!

90 Day Total Weight Loss Transformation
CIJ Clarity Catalyst for Stressed Healthcare Professionals
CIJ: The Culture Catalyst
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