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What Clients Have Said

"I feel I have enjoyed the course and I think one of the things it’s really done is that it has given me space to think about life and what I want, and given me tools to de-stress. I think I have really moved forward with this, becoming less anxious. I use my voice of wisdom constantly. It has given me greater clarity. I have found the post-its really useful and they helped me to focus. You have given me a lot of tools! Thank you!"




"This course has given me the time to pause and reflect. The exercises you have given us have been at times, uncomfortable but I think it has changed relationships at home. It has pushed boundaries and taught me that there are barriers, but we can overcome them. The Peer sessions are very powerful and Liya is a great teacher!"


General Practitioner

"Thank you Liya – it’s been really good and that’s an understatement. I am more mindful, less judgmental and it’s given me more clarity. My relationships are better, and I am more present. “Be more present and calm,” is something that has been really nice. My close friends and family have commented about the change in me from this course. I can see the confidence in myself now, especially in work. I know who I am and what I want, and this is the first time in years that I have been able to say that. I didn’t expect that boost in my confidence"


General Practitioner


"There’s lot of moving parts in my life at the moment and I feel like this course has put them all back together in one place. Each week has gone from strength to strength, and I am more confident, calmer and less anxious. The post-it notes have been transformational. I can hear the peer sessions in my day-to-day life. I have really enjoyed it and I am grateful for this course."



" Coming to a crossroads in my own career and family life I was keen to get some coaching to hone into my own thoughts, processes and motivations for decision making. The course not only gave me valuable insight into my own  thought patterns and behaviors but helped me explore my strengths and weaknesses, tap into my creativity and use all of this to improve my decision-making processes, communications skills and gain clarity into what my true goals were. I learned and most importantly was able to create opportunities to practice a variety of individualised tools to help with managing stress and staying grounded that I am now using in my busy clinical work with patients and colleagues and at home with my own children and relationships generally! I was surprised at how simple many of these tools were yet how effective and transferable they could be in practice.
I had initially been quite stressed about how I was going to find another thing to juggle into my busy week but quickly found myself looking forward to the sessions with Dr Jacob and the rest of our group.  Dr Jacob’s facilitation style, humour, ability to apply concepts to very real tangible examples in daily life contributed to an open and safe environment in which we could all grow and develop in areas that we specifically chose.  I would thoroughly recommend this course to anyone who is struggling with their current load whether that be in their clinical work, home life or any other aspect or simply if you want to develop lasting self-care tools or build on ones you have already.

Dr Neema Jabbar, General Practitioner


"I have enjoyed all my conversations in the Peer Sessions. Thank you for letting me be involved in this fabulous learning experience."


General Practitioner

"I felt allowing myself the time to sit and have a bit of ‘me time’ was great for self-respect and self-love and I am enjoying that. I am very grateful for that from this course, and I will keep pushing myself and challenging myself. I have gotten better at appreciation and gratitude, and I have found the ‘I am enough’ mantra very helpful. I [also] use the breathing a lot and they’re now my go-to! I have shared this with patients!"


General Practitioner


"I have enjoyed all my conversations in the Peer Sessions. Thank you for letting me be involved in this fabulous learning experience."


General Practitioner

"I … now … think that things can go wherever they want to. Week Two taught me that we are all amazing and we have amazing in us. I never give myself time to do things I enjoy so [doing this] was really helpful for me. I never would have given myself time before to do this. I am incredibly grateful to Liya and grateful for all of the Peer Sessions. I have learnt something different from everyone that I have spoken to. Thank you so much!"


Nurse Manager


"The course has been absolutely amazing! It has given me the courage to explore...what I want for the future in work and it has given me...enlightenment for me to believe I can do this. There has been a lot of habit changes, less procrastinating, more organisation and less worrying which is amazing. I feel more confident and less anxious - not dwelling on things. And I have the realisation that everything is always changing so worrying is actually pointless! Each week has helped me and I now have more clarity in how I want to proceed in my own journey."



"To sum this course up - I feel enough, and that is such big milestone for me. I am more confident, less anxious. My absolute favourite tool is 'be here now'. I love that tool! I can now control my reactions, I am more calm and not lashing out at home. It has made me much happier!"




"I really enjoyed it. The biggest thing for me was learning to be more flexible...and to not be so stressed when things don't go to plan. What has shifted in me is being okay with things not being how I had planned them to be. I loved the peer coaching sessions, getting a lot of out of everybody I worked with."


Life and Health Coach/Consultant

"I have come onto this course at a busy time in my life. I am a lot more calm, a lot less anxious and more confident in what I am doing. It's given me a sense of purpose...All the tools help me in the way I see things now...I feel I value relationships much better now, and that has been really good for me. Focusing on the now helps me to do more."


Clinical Advisor in informatics & Acute Physician 


"The course has changed me. I have more confidence, less anxiety and more clarity, which in turn has brought me peace."


Health and Life Coach

"I am much calmer now and enjoy being in the present. I feel more connected with everyone and I now focus on the present and tell myself I am ok right now. This course really helps shift your perspective and every aspect of this course really allows an internal self-analysis. You get to know yourself better. Truly life changing. Since taking the course I have also managed to work out what I need to focus on for further self development. I feel more complete now and wish I had something like this years ago. I thought I knew myself before the course - now I feel that I know parts of me that had been dormant for years. I am thankful to Liya and her team for allowing me to analyse myself internally that then led to outward success. Thank you."




"There have been many highlights from this course, so thank you very much! Being in the present has been the biggest message for me and I have been telling my colleagues so many things from this course. It's amazing and magic. In the middle of the day when you're stressed, I just take some breaths and its instant how less stressed you feel. There are so many highlights. I could go on and on. I really feel I will take this forward and use this so much more."



"Liya is just amazing - she oozes confidence and you feel so safe in her presence. We have a complete laugh and the sessions are so inspiring and interesting. She holds the space unbelievably well and allows me to think, She's very warm and calm, and yet motivating! She's an incredible coach and is so empowering!"


Tallulah O'Hea


"Everything you are doing on this course is everything I want to learn about. The journey has started now I have started this course. I am doing more in my life such as reading more books, podcasts etc. I am not 100% there, but I find myself catching myself when I am thinking negatively. The awareness has increased, so thank you so much for that."


General Practitioner

"1 found this course absolutely amazing. It fits in with a journey I went through last year. We worked at 100mph last year and I made the decision to leave that and some of the concepts are things I do already, but the course has added things in a way the previous books/talks haven't. The course keeps me in check all the time to remember what's important. It's taught me to appreciate moments. It's an amazing course and I have met some really great people."


General Practitioner


"I have now lost 13.2kg (10.6% body weight). I can't believe I have only drunk 2 Coke Zeros in the last 3 months after having it pulsing through my veins for decades! I never thought I would be able to control my sugar cravings. I can now listen to my body. My health is improving. I am exercising regularly and will continue to. My emotions are no longer linked to what I eat. I now have the apparatus to choose healthy"



"I feel like I have more direction. I am able to challenge my fears and be more decisive. I thought it was brilliant. I really enjoyed my peer sessions. I felt they forced me to assess my own thought process and helped with active listening. It was interesting to have people to discuss my learnings with on a

1-1 basis."


General Practitioner 

"Many thanks for a lovely course. [It has] truly given me an insight into & my own life/capabilities. This course has made me perceive things in a different way... To have self-compassion. Sometimes to allow [myself] to listen and love in various ways, with kids, home, life, work.."


Clinical Pharmacist


"I wanted to say a sincere thank you for running the course - as I didn't really know what I would feel and think about it at the outset, but I have enjoyed it. I have discussed with my partner at home each Thursday and my close friends about clarity itself and it's been both a new and enlightening area for me to open into and develop and I have definitely adopted some changes at work along the way.

Thank you very much."


Practice Manager


"I feel like I have regained my mojo. It's changed my close relationships. I found myself again when I was feeling lost."


General Practitioner

"I have really enjoyed this course. I found it really refreshing. I feel very lucky that we have had this from the NHS...I found that it's made me feel really valued. I have been more observant which is a good thing...I gained something different out of all the [peer] calls."


General Practitioner


"I think the course has been amazing. Some of the best bits have been reading the book, learning how to stay in the moment and letting go. Things that annoyed me before, I have learnt to let go. And there's more joy in my day-to-day life now that I have learnt that. I appreciate things like the breeze on my face and the silly chat of my children. So it's been brilliant."


General Practitioner

"This [course] has changed me quite profoundly and I didn't think it would happen. I was cynical and judgemental. It's changed my confidence and I care less. It has helped at work, home, with difficult relatives and many areas of life. Relationships are much calmer and I have really enjoyed reading the book and re-reading/understanding the book."



"I have really enjoyed this course and found it really insightful. I am on a spiritual journey so this has helped to get guidance and tools. I enjoyed identifying my voices of judgement and that's been quite freeing - to recognise where most of my thoughts come from. I've let go of expectations of myself and enjoy having that freedom."


GP Partner & Trainer

"I have lost 8cm from my waist circumference. I'm feeling so happy right now. I have learned that I couldn't do this by myself. I needed a coach. Hiring you was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am no longer breathless walking up the stairs, my knee pains have gone. The more results I see, the more motivated I get. I feel stronger, fitter and more flexible and I am starting to inspire others!"

Mum of 2

"I have now lost 21 kg (28% body weight) and 26cm from my waist. I actually can’t fully express the transformative effect of Liya's coaching. I have had a total shift in mindset. I have learned to focus on myself and my actions, rather than reacting to what I think other people might be thinking about me!  I am more assertive when my boundaries have been crossed.  I am now willing to accept help that will make me better.  I am more open, carefree and willing to take risks.  It’s my life and I will live it as I choose to."​


Deputy Headteacher

I have lost 7.7kg, 4.4% body fat and I have put my type 2 diabetes into remission.  Working with Liya was the last piece of the puzzle.  I have been held and supported, yet challenged to be better.  I faced the fear of failure and stepped through.  And amazingly, I realise that this wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  I haven't been hungry.  It was fun!  I feel more energetic.  I can do things I haven't been able to for 20 years!  I am strong, I like sports, I eat really well, I have strong boundaries and I remember who I am.  I am ready to step into the next phase of my life feeling empowered and enlightened. 


I am buzzing Liya.  This course tapped into every aspect of my life.  I am calmer and now able to just listen when other people are upset.  I don't feel that stressed, despite experiencing some challenging personal issues.  I have realised we create our own cages, but we can live freely.  I have worked with some coaches before and have rated them with a score of 10, whereas I would give you a score of 100.  Thank you so much!"​


General Practitioner

I can't stop giggling about the things that came up in our last session!  I have learned that moving forward can be enjoyable, and not just a tick box exercise.  I have learned to recognise in the moment of anxiety, that it will pass.  I have integrated the belief that things happen not "to me," but "for me."  I have learned to pick myself up when things seem hugely difficult.  I now make decisions assessing the whole of my life, and I can say no and feel at peace.  It has reinforced my knowledge that my gut instinct is right.  You are brilliant at what you do.  I feel so blessed to have met you!

GP Southwest

I have now lost 9.3kg (12% body weight) and 12cm from my waist. My blood pressure has fallen and I have reduced my BP medication. I have learned that changing tiny habits can have a huge impact. Stepping out of my comfort zone has been crucial during this transformation. Food is now fuel - I no longer use it for stress relief. I am in control. I have learned that a positive mindset is key for transformation. I have realised that when I put my mind to it, and with the right support, I can do anything.


Deputy Headteacher

I have now lost 9.3kg (12% body weight) and 12cm from my waist. My blood pressure has fallen and I have reduced my BP medication. I have learned that changing tiny habits can have a huge impact. Stepping out of my comfort zone has been crucial during this transformation. Food is now fuel - I no longer use it for stress relief. I am in control. I have learned that a positive mindset is key for transformation. I have realised that when I put my mind to it, and with the right support, I can do anything.


Deputy Headteacher

I have now lost 9kg (10.5% body weight).  Learning to trust my intuition was a really helpful process as I had always thought I had very good intuition, but it had got buried over the years.  I have started to follow through on this and it has felt really good.  I was always aware of mindfulness and practiced yoga, but the tools on this course helped me to focus my mind and look at it in a different way.  It has been really helpful in reducing my anxiety.  I feel more faith to go forward in my journey.

General Practitioner

I have realised that my best decisions happen when I am not tense or troubled, and I now have the tools to relax.  I have enough time for everything important.  And actually, during this process I have identified that the things that were troubling me can just be re-assessed in a positive light.  And from that position, I can see they are just stumbling blocks that can easily be side-stepped or resolved.  You can figure out the answer when you look at it in those terms.



I have been working on myself for 50 years and I needed someone to unlock me.  You are my key Liya.  You have given me freedom!  I am now living in the present.  The ties holding me to others, trying to control their reactions have been cut.  I no longer care about their responses.  I am evaluating situations from a clear point of view.  My eyes have been opened.  I am worthy and I need to look after myself.  I am no longer parenting out of fear.  I am back to me!


Liya is just amazing - she oozes confidence and you feel so safe in her presence.  We have a complete laugh and the sessions are so inspiring and interesting.  She holds the space unbelievably well and allows me to think.  She's very warm and calm, and yet motivating!  She's an incredible coach and is so empowering!


Tallulah O'Hea

We are at session 11 and I have lost 12 pounds and 9cm from my waist circumference.  I have achieved something I thought was impossible.  I feel like I have won the lottery!  I am much more relaxed around meals and food.  I have recognised how much I can influence my stress levels by the way I structure my day, and simple things like breathing.  I feel physically better, fit into some of my old clothes, and enjoy choosing how to look in the morning.  My asthma has improved.  I have stopped a blood pressure tablet.  My new baseline is optimistic!  

General Practitioner

I am at session 10 and have lost 5kg and 11cm from my waist.  But more than the weight, I feel much better than I thought I would in terms of health.  I have let go of doing the comfortable thing and am less worried about upsetting others' feelings.  I don't feel as threatened by pain.  I have learned to choose my reaction.  I make more time to plan my meals.  I now prioritise things I know make me feel well.  I know if I continue to live like this, the rest of the weight will just come off!


Consultant Physician

We are spending more time together as a family in a meaningful way.  I have realised that the sum of the parts of the family is stronger than any individual.  I have realised what I don't want to do.  I am more able to know my own mind and prioritise myself.   I have let go of so many things and the new tools have been so useful!  I have realised that just because an objective doesn't have a numerical value, it doesn't mean it isn't immensely valuable.

GP Southwest

Liya is the most amazing coach I have ever worked with.  Every single session, I learn something new about myself and every single call with Liya is absolutely invaluable.  If you are on the fence about working with Liya, definitely go for it.  You won't regret it!


Veronika Rysinova

I have now lost 8kg (10% body weight).  As well as the weight loss, I am more fired up to go for the things I want and more confident I will get there.  I am more committed to improving my health and exercising.  I am more able to be direct with people as I place more value on my time.  I am more willing to tackle the things I don't want to do but need to do.  I am more ambitious.


This course is one of the best things I have done in my life.  With these tools I am performing much better in my personal and professional life.  I have been at ease.  I am much happier in my general outlook.  I am more able to deal with other people's negativity.  I now have a much calmer way of looking at things.



I never believed my actions could make a massive difference in my life.  I now know I can't change others and have realised I can be different.  I am freed from victimhood, rescuing and persecuting!!!  I have suddenly realised the times I am not living in the moment.  I am coming at life from a completely different angle!


You have freed me Liya!  It has changed my life.  I knew a lot of this stuff but there was a missing link to really understand it.  I was causing so many of my own problems.  It's like a lights switch has come on.  I have realised when I have too much empathy.  I don't have to fix the world!



I am now at session 12 and have lost 11kg.  I have not been hungry at all  during the program.  I believed that healthy nutrition would be complicated but the complete opposite is true.  I feel more positive and confident.  I realise I am not as old as I thought I was.  I feel like I did in my 40s and I know if I keep going, I will feel like I did in my 30s!  It's been such a relief to know there is a method that can help.

Consultant Surgeon

I have learned to live my life in the present without worrying about the future.  I am comfortable with who I am now.  Coaching has allowed me to be open and honest about how I feel.  All the practical life tools were incredibly helpful.  It was shocking that I could answer a series of questions, and then I myself discovered the solutions for the issues in my life!



I am infinitely calmer than before.  Things still aren't perfect, but I realised last night after another difficult situation that I was able to sleep easily.  I thought "shouldn't I be panicking?"  But I didn't need to.  I don't know the future and I can live with no expectations.  Coaching has been a revelation.  Not only have I realised that I know the answers to my own unanswerable questions, but I remember the importance of "me time."


I have now lost 20.7kg (23%) body weight.  My voices of anxiety are locked away - their mouths covered with tape!  I enjoy the present, the here and now.  The thoughts of catastrophe, of things that have not even happened, have stopped.  I am brave.  I will embrace the real me with commitment, without doubt, and most of all without judgement.


GP Southwest

I weigh 9.1kg less than when you, Liya, began working with me. This equates to a loss of almost 12% of my body weight, which is unbelievable, considering the sceptic I was, when I began. In addition, and more spectacularly, my waist has shrunk by 5”.  I went for a routine blood test and I spoke to a group of nurses who were shocked at my weight loss, but also how some critical kidney and liver readings had improved in just three months. My ALT for example reduced from a high of 125, to about 35 now. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything I have been through in the past months.  You are a true inspiration and I wouldn’t be where I am in this journey without you.

Reuben Peter

I am nearing the end of my second weight loss transformation with Liya.  I have lost 18kg now (20% body weight). There are hundreds of amazing moments that never would have happened without embarking on this journey.  Being healthy is my new normal. It is affecting every aspect of my life.  Even my family are embracing the new me and bought me a Fitbit for Mother’s Day! I have learned to be kind to myself and quieten my inner critic. Through this process I have really tuned into my body. I have had some amazing feedback at work about the positive impact I am making. So much has happened and keeps happening. It’s hard to even find the words to express it!

GP, Southwest

Before starting health coaching with Liya, I struggled with my weight, I was out of breath walking any distance and up stairs, and I was constantly stressed.  I have had so many deep realisations during this transformation. I have integrated the belief that 'I choose my reaction' into my life, I have learned to enjoy exercise, and I feel in control of my health.  I have lost 13.2kg in 12 sessions, I feel more confident at work and my relationships have improved.  What I loved most about coaching with Liya is that she really took time to get to know me.  She would remember details that I didn't remember telling her.  And she gave me a sense of belonging in the sessions.

GP, Southwest

Before coaching with Liya, I struggled with feeling very stressed and overwhelmed. I found myself in a situation where I needed to make a change, but I felt blocked. Then Liya taught me that I can relax into the chaos and enjoy the present moment without getting stressed. The 3 most significant results I’ve experienced from coaching with Liya are: 1) taking charge of things that I have control over and letting go of what I cannot, recognizing the difference: “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”, 2) grounding myself in the here and now, enjoying life to the fullest, 3) relaxing into the chaos so I can be more productive and all people around me benefiting from more relaxed and calm me. What I loved most about coaching with Liya is that she fully believed in me and was holding the vision I had for myself and my life with 100% confidence, which helped me to believe in myself and take action on what I knew was most important. Thank you Liya, I am so grateful!

Veronika Rysinova

My main issue is my weight, I feel that PMS is a significant factor and that I am stuck in a vicious circle - cravings, feeling emotional, bloating. I have worked with a nutritionist previously on these areas, but this 12 week course highlighted underlying issues which were likely adding to the stress of the situation. Since completing the sleep exercise I feel less anxious because I am sleeping better and I now have the tools to help me get to sleep, plus a personalised wind down routine. I know that I am stressed but wasn’t sure why and the breathing techniques, EBT check in plus talking through specific problems really helped with this. I now know what some of my stressors are and have a fun menu of activities to look forward to, in addition to new relaxation techniques. I also have a list of healthy snacks to choose from when I get a craving for carbs during PMS.

I have lost 4 inches from my waist, have a morning routine where I exercise happily five times a week and I am making better decisions regarding food. I look and feel slimmer and since I am drinking more water, sleeping better plus less stressed - I hope to look younger for longer!

I know that I have made some major steps towards losing weight, being more active and feeling healthier. I am certain that continuing to work with Liya will push me into a different zone, where I am able to reach my goal weight which will ultimately give me more confidence and open up more opportunities in my life.


I cannot say enough positive things about Liya! She's a blast to talk to and made me feel like our session was a safe space for me to explore possibilities. She asked insightful questions, even veering completely off course to meet me where I was. She took extra time with me and helped me figure out what was holding me back. Liya is an incredible coach!

Jane Magdich

Liya was resourceful and sweet. She has a very candid way of speaking and making you feel protected. She also asked the right questions and was very knowledgeable. It was a great experience working with her.

Nancy Saltzman

Liya was amazing to work with! She was able to really figure out what my motivating factor was and ensure that I would be able to follow through with my action steps for future success.

Amy Clark

Liya was very attentive and kind to me. I felt at ease and understood from her.  As mom of three, I think she`s gonna make a great health/life coach for mothers feeling overwhelmed. She deeply understands the most important thoughts and concerns as mother.

Debora Giacomelli

Liya is a great coach. She is very friendly and makes you feel safe. She has a calm approach and helped me uncover my new beliefs. The session was very empowering thanks to Liya's listening skills and advice.

Tallulah OHea

Liya is a wonderful health coach! She actively listened, resulting in me feeling incredibly supported in my responses to the questions that she asked. Liya has a very warm and engaging manner and I felt very comfortable working with her for the first time. Thank you Liya!

Donna Newton

I feel so lucky to be doing these coaching sessions with Liya.  It's so much more than weight loss.  The EBT has helped me to be in control of my emotions.  I have changed so many habits in 4 weeks and it has all been easy!!!


"It’s just our fourth session and I have lost nearly 5kg!! And there is no calculating foods or complex rules! I have had so many insights. I feel brighter, energised. I am no longer out of breath when I climb the stairs. I love treating my body as a laboratory to conduct experiments on how I need to eat. This journey is already unbelievable!"


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